The Cate Morland Chronicles is a 2016 modern web series adaptation of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. Produced by Apple Juice Productions (Lily Evans and the Eleventh Hour), the series is told in a vlog style and offers multi-media storytelling (now available in this archive).
Written by Ellen Lloyd (Fangirly) and directed by Amanda Taylor (founder of Apple Juice Productions), the series stars Madeline Thatcher as Cate Morland. The rest of the cast is completed by Dele Opeifa (Henry Tilney), Erika Ovuoba (Eleanor Monk), Frankie Madril (John Thorpe), Amanda Taylor (Isabella Thorpe), Rob Zimmerman (James Morland), and Charla Cochran (Leslie Allen).
The Cate Morland Chronicles is a really fun series to watch. Even though it has an overarching storyline, every episode features a different topic with a different location (including SDCC!) and character dynamics. Meaning, it rarely ever gets boring. Cate’s enthusiasm is contagious, and you will probably identify with most of what is said in the series, as well as have fun understanding the pop culture references. Fiction lovers will especially relate to Cate’s rant in Episode 10, a special episode in which Cate confronts the discrimination against genre TV, its literary value, and whether it’s too “juvenile” to love it.
Lastly, you can also show your appreciation monetarily in their Fundly page. Funds will go towards covering extra costs such as paying back to volunteers and contributors, as well as future projects by Apple Juice Productions.