A new web series from Hawaii called, Triple Threat is an episodic comedy web series. It is written and produced by Gina Surles and developed in Creative Lab Hawaii’s 2017 web series immersive program. Hawaii is a place you would not expect to be in the web series genre, but Triple Threat is changing — not only the way we look at web series — but, the way we look at the actors of web series. What is fantastic about this web series is — the stars are ‘mature’ women.

About Triple Threat

Usually, when you think of a web series, you think of actors and actresses that are in the ranges of millennials. However, Triple Threat features predominately ‘mature’ actresses. The series follows three ‘mature’ women searching for meaning in their lives — they become detectives despite knowing nothing about undercover work.

If you like Charlie’s Angels and The Golden Girls, this would be right up your alley. This web series is providing a light for women over fifty in the web series genre. This is online entertainment and it is truly hard to see women over fifty in the web series genre at all. This creates the comedic aspect as well as showing a light that women of any ages can still kick butt and do awesome work.

The Minds Behind The Web Series

The first two episodes that were financed by Surles were shot last September. They used all local cast and crew. The director is Jeremy Johnson who is currently working for NBC’s The Voice (to name one of the great things Johnson is doing). The producer and writer are one of the lead actors just as well, Gina.

Besides Gina, we have three other lead actresses of Triple Threat. Carolyn Taum and Consulina Wong are both from Honolulu. They create the Charlie’s Angel dynamic with Gina. The Charlie figure from Charlie’s Angels in the group is eighty-year-old Frances Ward, she is also from Honolulu.

If you are looking for a quality web series to watch this is one that should be on your radar.

Where You Can Find Triple Threat

They have an IndieGogo campaign that you can help support now through April 22nd, 2018. That is just only a few weeks away! You can watch the trailer and the first episode now as well, which I would because it’s a quality and hilarious show.

The pilot episode is only nine minutes long, so take a gander and let us know what you think. You can also find them on FacebookTwitter, and other forms of social media!

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